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All tournamentsRocket League is a cross-platform vehicular soccer video game that was launched in July 2015, and since then its popularity hasn't waned. In fact, it only seems to continue growing in popularity, likely due to the Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS) inking a deal with NBC last year and airing the tournament on live television.
In Rocket League, players control a rocket-powered car and use it to hit a ball that is much larger than the cars towards the other team's goal area to score goals against the other team, in a way that resembles indoor soccer.
Matches are usually five minutes long, with sudden death over time if the game is tied at that point. Matches are usually played in a four-on-four player format, but can also be played with fewer players, such as 3v3, 2v2 or even 1v1.
Your rank is influenced by your MMR, also known as your Matchmaking Rank. It increases according to wins, and decreases based on losses. Every division and rank has an MMR target value that you need to achieve in order to progress.
Every rank has four divisions. Gold Three Division Two for example, is when you are three divisions away from reaching the next rank, which is Platinum One. If you reach Champion One Division Five, you are in the fourth Division of Champion One.
Rocket League Recommended Requirements
There are some conflicting opinions online regarding the level of difficulty for Rocket League. Some say that it is not a particularly complicated game, and not as difficult asLeague of Legends, where you compete against hundreds of champions, with tons of different mechanics.
Others say that Rocket League is a seriously tough game to get used to and it's even more difficult to get good at it. Many players feel that Rocket League takes a lot of hard work and training.
In a nutshell, Rocket League is a game about skill and practice. The most important things are your hitbox, your car, your game mode, as well as your personal skill. It's all about practice and learning.
The first step to getting better at Rocket League is changing your camera settings, which can boost your win-ratio. The list below explains what default settings you should have to always maintain a good overview over what's happening in the game.
Here are the best camera settings for Rocket League:
Camera Shake: Off
Field of View: 110°
Distance: 180
Height: 110
Angle: -4.00°
Stiffness: 0.45
Swivel: 5.0
Transition Speed: 1.20
Invert Swivel: Off
Here are more tips to improving at Rocket League:
The development of Rocket League began in 2013 by Thomas Silloway, and took two years and less than $2 million to develop. The Developers had tested different prototypes of a Battle-Cars sequel in previous years, including an attempt at pitching the concept to Electronic Arts in 2011.
“One day we threw a ball into the map with us,” said Silloway as he recalled time spent playtesting an older version of Rocket League over the best part of a decade ago. “We were playing a game of hitting it around and we ended up deciding that was way more fun than the other game we were playing. We just kept playing that game over and over in our playtests and it was actually taking away from the work we were doing on the vehicular combat game."
“At some point, we were like: either we have to stop playing this game, or we have to make this our new game because we're not getting any work done on the other one.”
If they had decided to pursue the original derby-esque idea, Rocket League would not be the game that it is today. “We knew the other game we were making was pretty fun, but it turned out that when we threw the ball in there it became ten times better. If we hadn't done that, I think we would've ended up releasing the other version of the game. It was a really interesting fork in the road where we ended up having to choose what to do.”
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